we do
The members of the
Platberg Club are all members of the same organisation, which by the way have
nothing to do with politics or religion, and takes part in all kinds of
activities that is aimed at Sound Memory (Remembrance), True Comradeship &
Mutual Help of Old Soldiers and the needy in the community.
We frequently
take part in reef laying parades at war memorials and war graves, as this is
part of Sound Memory.

members of the Platberg Club are on parade at the Harrismith Town Hall
for a reef laying ceremony at the war memorials.
Like in the
Army we have a Sergeant Major who is responsible for the general order at
meetings and on parades.

/ Maj for 2000 / 2001, Ben Crawley, on parade.
During parades basic
military procedures are followed with the exception of the salute. We salute in
a unique way with the two hands on top of each other in the 'hands resting on
the but of a rifle' position in front of the body.
We also take part in fundraising
projects to supply Mutual Help to those old soldiers and their widows who are in
need of it.
True Comradeship is that which
exists between all members. As all of us have been, at some stage, involved in a
war. Some of us fought side-by-side and we all know that true frontline
comradeship that exist between soldiers.
We also sometimes take part in
military parades with the Harrismith Commando when we are invited to do so.

In the picture above Sias Swart is
laying a reef at the Boer memorial at Platrand outside the town of Ladysmith,
You can see that we are a well
structured organisation and we all do our part to keep the gears oiled and